Just a quick note to let you know that www.ga2008.com, which appears to be an official site of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), is actually run by Presbyterians for Renewal (a conservative advocacy group).
George Chauncey: Why Marriage?: The history shaping today's debate over gay equality
David G. Myers: What God Has Joined Together? : A Christian Case for Gay Marriage
Mel White: Stranger at the Gate : To Be Gay and Christian in America
Luke Timothy Johnson: Scripture & Discernment: Decision Making in the Church
Stephanie Coontz: Marriage, a History: From Obedience to Intimacy, or How Love Conquered Marriage
John D'Emilio: Intimate Matters : A History of Sexuality in America
David L. Balch (Editor): Homosexuality, Science, and the "Plain Sense" of Scripture
Jeffrey S. Siker: Homosexuality in the Church: Both Sides of the Debate
Walter Wink (Editor): Homosexuality and Christian Faith: Questions of Conscience for the Churches
Choon-Leong Seow (Editor): Homosexuality and Christian Community
Martti Nissinen: Homoeroticism in the Biblical World: A Historical Perspective
Robert L. Brawley (Editor): Biblical Ethics & Homosexuality: Listening to Scripture
William Stacy Johnson: A Time to Embrace: Same-Gender Relationships in Religion, Law, and Politics